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Latest Chinese American/China related headlines. Links open in a new window.
The BBC speaks to Hongkongers whose hopes for a freer city have withered.
Zhu, now in her early 30s, was one of many outspoken Chinese students around the world who were quick to defend China. Xi Jinping’s talk of a “China Dream,” what he has call ...
The sentencing of Dong Yuyu, a former Harvard Nieman fellow, signals that officials consider some exchanges between Chinese citizens and foreigners to be espionage.
Lai Ching-te is looking to shore up support from three island nations that are among a dwindling number to keep diplomatic ties with Taiwan.
Donald Trump's reelection has sent shockwaves through much of the world. Yet, surprisingly, many overseas Chinese — and even citizens within China — have openly celebrated his comeback. How does such ...
A bombshell NYT report revealed that China has been misusing millions of dollars sent by American zoos for Panda conservation. The report accused Beijing to be using the money to build apartments and ...
Commentators call for a boycott of the chain in China after it told the BBC it does not use Xinjiang cotton.
Dong Yuyu was detained in 2022 after meeting Japanese diplomats named agents of ‘espionage organisation’
A veteran Chinese state media journalist has been sentenced by a Beijing court to seven years in prison on espionage charges, his family has said.
Dong Yuyu, a senior columnist at the Communist party newspaper Guangming Daily, was detained in February 2022 along with a Japanese diplomat at a Beijing restaurant.
Dong Yuyu, who has written articles critical of the Communist Party, was arrested in 2022 while having lunch with a Japanese diplomat.
We tracked $86 million in U.S. money that was supposed to go toward panda conservation in China.
A Times investigation found that zoos knew conservation money went toward apartment buildings and roads. But they wanted to keep displaying pandas, so nobody looked too closely.
American zoos have dished out millions to China for panda conservation projects, but the money has instead largely been spent ...