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Posted on 08/23/2022

Asian shares are trading mixed as a wait-and-see mood set in following another, but more modest, day of sell-offs on Wall Street ...

Posted on 08/23/2022

Asian markets were down on Wednesday after falls in global stocks as the euro plunged against the dollar and traders await news on the next US interest rate hikes.

Posted on 08/23/2022

An apparent censor-added epilogue specially for Chinese moviegoers changed the tone of the comedy and earned online mockery from viewers.

Posted on 08/23/2022

Founded in 2021, the Asian American Pacific Islander Design Alliance engages, promotes, and empowers Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders working within the home and design industries. We ...

Posted on 08/23/2022

Singapore Exchange Ltd. sees more listings in coming months by Chinese issuers that already trade American depository receipts, even as it grapples with delayed deals amid a global valuation ...

Posted on 08/23/2022

"The historical tradition of Asian American activism in the face of systemic injustices must be taught in schools. Our K-12 education is incomplete without it," writes .

Posted on 08/23/2022

The sector is dangerously overheated – but unlike the 2008 financial crisis, the global ripple effect is likely to be limited
The property sector in the Chinese economy has always been something of a puzzle. At its peak, it accounted of the nation’s economic output, broadly measured. And it sees people in Beijing and Shanghai paying house prices similar to those in San Francisco and New York, despite having just a of American buyers.
Now many believe that we are about to see a of the property market in China. The government wants to intervene to curb speculation, and rein in what it calls the “three high” problem: high prices, high debt and high financialisation. The approach has been nothing short of dramatic. Financing for property developers has tanked. Earlier this year, property sales declined by as much as 20-30%, in-progress developments are and people have taken to the streets, banding together to on such projects in protest.
Keyu Jin is a professor of economics at LSE

Posted on 08/23/2022

Oz embraced doing business in China as part of a press release from Chinese medical tech company Neusoft Xikang.

Posted on 08/23/2022

Democracy activist and Apple Daily founder will stand trial without jury and could face up to life in prison
The founder of Apple Daily, Jimmy Lai, will stand trial without a jury in Hong Kong, after he told a court he would plead not guilty to national security charges.
On Monday, prosecutors told a case management hearing that Lai would challenge the accusations but six fellow executives and manager from the or its parent company, Next Digital, intended to plead guilty.

Posted on 08/23/2022

Investigation finds the books did not ‘properly reflect the sunny image of China’s children’
Chinese authorities have punished 27 people over the publication of a maths textbook that went viral over its “tragically ugly” illustrations.
A months-long investigation by a ministry of education working group found the books were “not beautiful”, and some illustrations were “quite ugly” and did not “properly reflect the sunny image of China’s children”.

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